Friday, April 9, 2010

Voices of Feeling

      "How often the spell of beauty is rudely broken by coarse, load talking! How often you are irresistibly drawn to a plain, unassuming woman, whose soft silvery tones render her positively attractive." -Lamb
     I did not realize until the other day how true this actually was. I have a friend who indeed has an amazing voice. She sings at my church and also DJs at a local radio station from time to time. I heard her on the air the other day and I can only describe it as "sounding like she was smiling". It was only the weather but it just sounded happy. Because I hear her so often, I have become able to distinguish her voice from others fairly easily and I will say that I have heard few things on the radio quite as enjoyable as that smiling voice.
     Can you tell if someone is happy just by the way their voice sounds? I know with some people I can...sometimes.

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