Now that I have spent several posts telling you basically nothing about myself I have decided to just do a short post that honestly just has observations about myself, about you, and life in general. This is probably the format many of my posts will take. Tell me what you think.
In most people's lives they come to a point when they realize that they are a man or a woman, that their childhood is gone, and that the point they thought would be so great is now upon them. It's when they begin to change from saying 'I can't wait until this or that' and they start to say 'I remember when I was...' This change can happen in a flash in a moment like a bolt of lightning or slowly over years. I remember I came upon this point earlier in life than most. It was when I began to know what I didn't know.
I recently had someone ask me, 'so what problem in the world do you want to fix?' I had to really think about it. I know what I want to 'be when I grow up' but I hadn't thought of it in a fixing way. I'm still not sure how exactly to put into words my answer to that question. I want to teach so perhaps I would say that instead of fixing something I want to keep them from being broken.
What problem in the world do you want to fix?
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